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So What? Yes, I Starve Him Of Sex

                                  Court hub

An embattled house wife, Mrs. Bola Abifarin has defended her decision to starve her husband of 14 years of sex. She declared that the man, Mr Akeem Abifarin is not fulfilling his own part of their marriage vows.
Mrs Abifarin who wept profusely before an Agege Grade A customary court while sharing her bitter experiences in the hands of her estranged husband said that he battered her because she refused him sex.
The 40 year-old fashion designer said the attack over sex was one of the several cruelty meted out on her by her husband. But the man in the centre of the crisis, Akeem Abifarin said the woman was a liar and a wayward house wife.
According to the aggrieved woman, she took the decision to starve her husband sexually since he began to go against their marriage vow to live peacefully as husband and wife till death do them part.
Bola told the court that though our marriage was contracted in 1995, six months into the relationship, my husband started disrespecting the integrity of the marriage by bringing strange women into our matrimonial home and whenever I confronted him with this, he would beat me mercilessly.
She disclosed that shortly after their disagreement, the man walked away with their children and denied her access to them.
Giving more details of how she was maltreated by her husband, the woman said he battered her sometime ago over a flimsy issue to the extent that she had swollen eyes, adding I was saved by our neighbours who intervened when he almost snuffed life out of me.
She claimed that already, her husband has started engaging their first son in carpentry and has stopped the payment of their children’s school fees.
She also said that her husband took offence on issues that could be resolved amicably between them. Specifically, she said there was a time that her husband took exception for her taking one of their children, Zainab to the salon to plait her hair in preparation for her graduation ceremony.
Asking the court for divorce, the woman, said her husband reacted violently to the visit to the salon by beating the girl to a point where she lost a tooth.
In his reaction, the man said his wife was telling lies. Akeem, a 45 year old carpenter stunned the court by stating that he has been on his knees for over two months asking for sex from his wife.
I had to kneel down to beg her to have sex with me but she refused.
Akeem, who resides in No. 20, Jinadu street, Atobaje, Agege said there was however a day he was pressed and he approached her but rather than accept his plea, she dragged his manhood. He said he was infuriated with the development which made him to beat the woman in protest.
Buttressing the fact that the woman tells lies, he said that at the beginning of their relationship, she told him that she had a kid from her former boyfriend while in school, but he later realised that she had two children for the same boyfriend.
He denied not taking good care of their children and insisted that he pays their school fees and buys clothes for them too. To this end, he prayed the court to divorce them without delay.
There was however a drama in the whole saga when one of their children was called into the open court to say which of the parents they would prefer to stay with.
In response, the two children chorused that they would prefer to stay with their mother who will give them adequate care. They impugned on their father’s character when they said that rather than taking care of them, he prefers to seek fun with his friends by drinking beer.
They said he keeps late nights, that it is their grandmother that takes care of them whenever they are with their father.

 The matter was adjourned for further hearing.


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