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A Voltron Is Out!: Kemi Omololu Olunloyo’s Reaction To Bianca Ojukwu’s Recent Interview On Femi Fani-Kayode

Kemi Omololu Olunloyo's reaction to Bianca Ojukwu's recent interview on Femi Fani-Kayode.
I should just re-echo Lamido Sanusi's I love controversy! None of our business what transpired between this two, what I don't understand is the obvious acid tone of Kemi Omololu Olunloyo's piece. Probably  theirs more to this! 
”I just read Bianca Ojukwu’s interview in some online magazine about her not ever knowing Chief Femi Fani-Kayode and claiming that they were never intimate and that he begged her not to go to court. Honestly the whole thing made me laugh. Such horrendous lies coming from a woman that is an Ambassador for our country. I know this because I am a living witness to what happened. It is so sad. The truth is that Bianca is not just a shameless liar but also someone who is running from and trying to cover up her sordid past.

Femi Fani-Kayode issued a statement challenging her to go to court and to carry out her threat some time back. That was the final thing he wrote. She killed it in all the newspapers but it was published in saharareporters and it is still there. Go and read it. He said that he was waiting for her, he was looking forward to the courts and that she should do her worse. Now instead of ranting and telling childish stories to magazines and instead of telling dirty little lies she should do precisely that.
She said that she had never met Chief before- I shall prove to you that she is lying. She said that they were never intimate? I shall show you that she was not only lying but that she has a past and that that past was full of adventure and sordid tales. She wants evidence? Tell her to go to court. She will get plenty of it there. What she did with Chief Fani-Kayode, where they did it, the number of times they did it and how she moaned whilst it was happening will all come out in open court. If anyone believes that Bianca was a virgin when she married Ojukwu then that person neeeds to have their heads examined. It has got to a point that her husband’s relatives are now even questioning the paternity of her children in open court and we are not surprised by that at all.
We advise them to insist on a DNA test because that woman is capable of anything. She is an absolute disgrace to the memory of her late and respected father and if only Ojukwu knew her better he would not have married her and he would probably still be alive today. The circumstances of his death are still shrouded in secrecy and that is a pity yet one day the truth will come out.
This is a girl that married her own godfather and that broke her father’s heart by living in sin with a man that was old enough to be her grandfather for 4 years before marrying him. That is the type of creature you people are taking seriously? It is below Chief Fani-Kayode’s status to respond to such a desperate wretch whose only claim to fame is that she married a Biafran warlord and that she won a beauty contest almost a century ago. She should just shut up before people begin to open up on her and expose her for the garbage that she really is.
I am a living witness to what transpired between them in London. She sneaked out of school on many occassions and spent quality time with him. It got to a point that she even got pregnant twice and the first time she miscarried and the second one she had an abortion. I know because I was there. I saw her on numerous occassions with Femi Fani-Kayode at a London night club called Stringfellows. I also saw her at Femi’s flat at Pier House, off Oakley street, Cheynee Walk, Chelsea on numerous occassions. I also saw her at Femi’s apartment in Cambridge which was at a place called Harvey Godwin Gardens. In all these places they behaved and acted like young lovers and they were very intimate.
Yet the truth is that Femi had many girlfriends then and she was just one of them. I might add that she wasn’t even his main girlfriend at the time because Femi was actually in love with someone else. He was just having a little extra fun with Bianca on the side. Everyone around Femi knew what was going on at the time and there are many other people that will and can bear witness to what happened. Unlike othersI will not keep quiet and allow this shameless woman to get away with her dirty lies. When Fani-Kayode dumped her for someone else and left the UK it hurt her deeply and it broke her heart. That is why she went wild at Nsukka University when she got there dating all sorts of men in secret and that is why she ended up living in sin with a man that was old enough to be her grandfather. Let me tell you that her behaviour broke Governor C.C. Onoh, her late father’s, heart and that is why he died when he did. I know because her father was my father’s (Governor Omololu Olunloyo’s) close friend at the time.
My dad was also very close to her husband Ojukwu and in fact my dad was the only leading yoruba man that attended her husband’s funeral. All these lies should stop. Whether igbo people want to accept or believe it or not the truth is that Femi Fani-Kayode was the first to ”hit” Bianca Ojukwu and he disvirgined her. This is a fact and they have just got to live with it.
 It happened many years before she was involved with Ojukwu so they should just leave it and let sleeping dogs lie. I challenge her to speak out and deny all I have said and you will hear more. That girl is shameless and she is a disgrace to womanhood. She may be regarded as a queen by the igbo but she is a very shameless and lousy queen. They must always remember that a young yoruba boy named Femi Fani-Kayode got there first.
All the official denials and lies in the world cannot change that fact. Unfortunately for her FFK had about three other girls that he was going out with at the same time but she didn’t know until it was too late. She never got over it and she never forgave him for it. Bianca let it go. We have bigger challenges. 2015 is coming”- Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo, 14th Feb. 2014


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