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Emmy Collins Tears Into Mercy Johnson: This Designer cum Blogger Lashed The Nollywood Actress....Choi!!

Mercy Johnson - Actress
Anytime designer and part time blogger, Emmy Collins takes to his blog, you can be sure that he will have one celebrity or the other to thrash.
He has done the same with the likes of Linda Ikeji, Tonto Dikeh, Davido, Cossy Orjiakor, Maheeda, Toke Makinwa, Pastor Chris Okotie, and several others and today, he has decided to take on top Nollywood actress, Mercy Johnson-Okojie, and in his usual way, he has taken her to the cleaners on her fashion sense.
Here what he had to say:
“Mercy Johnson, okay, so I got this from a reader this morning, ‘ehen small aproko …Emmy, I saw pics of Mercy Johnson looking tacky on other blogs and they tagged her sexy. I confuse o.’
“My understanding of the mood of the author of this comment was that of someone gob-smacked by either a blatant lie or blatant ignorance.
“Mercy Johnson looks so cheap here that if cheap were to be animated today, it would most definitely not want to be associated with Mercy Jonnson.
“Yes, she seemed so hideously dressed in that hideous dress, (haha, playing with words, na me biko).
“I don’t even know where to start or end, the N3k Tejuosho dress, akpola shoes, the “mgbekerish” pose, the walls behind her, (background), foot mat, et al, yet some blogger deemed it appropriate to tag this picture right here “sexy”. Kai, sexy don suffer ni.
“What did we do to deserve this? Okay, I know what we did. We became too hypocritical. I can imagine cheap, (I mean animated version), blurting out words like – “abeg, abeg, I know say I cheap, but no be like that nah, kai!
“No put me near that cheap looking woman, biko” – when compared to Mercy Johnson in this ensembles of hers. On a very positive note, we should all be thankful to the almighty God/Allah that she didn’t venture putting on those sunnies in her hands, because if she did, kai, egbe for gas, lol.
“More often than not, I wonder if these sort of classless half-baked celebrities that we are bedeviled with aren’t God’s idea of punishment for all the iniquities we commit against Him daily.
“We have “afọ anu” celebrities that are ineffective in all spheres of life, be it politics, fashion, etc.
“Tell me a Naija celebrity that has influenced any fashion trend? Perhaps just about 2% of them have pet projects, except when they surround themselves with cameramen while visiting motherless babies’ homes.
“In another clime, these are supposedly the innovative bunch, but it’s sad that the last word a well-meaning and well-informed individual would use to describe any Nigerian actress or actor today is “innovative”.
“How did we get here? It has become a nonsensical game of ‘please find out where Genevieve or Omotola has visited, me too I wan go there nah and make sure all the blogs will post the pictures.
“Well, you guys know what I think about this image, what do you think?
“Okay, Mercy, here is the deal. If you gonna be showing your mansion in Ajah, shouldn’t you be spending some dosh on your style as well?”
PS: “I concluded a long time ago that some bloggers must be on some cheap crack if they are gonna be seeing white and calling it black. I will only do my best to call them out when I can afford the time.”
So long a letter! What do you make of Emmy Collins and his criticism?


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