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Showing posts from February, 2014

Out Of Bench: Sacked Justice Gladys Olotu Sues Thisday for libel

  NIGERIA : Justice Gladys Olotu of the Federal High Court, Abuja, sacked today by the National Judicial Council pressed ahead with her libel case against Leaders and Company Ltd, publishers of ThisDay Newspapers Ltd. The case came before an Edo State High Court, with the woman claiming the sum of N2 billion over an alleged libelous publication. The said publication with the headline, “EFCC probes seven judges for corruption,” appeared in its Wednesday, 13 November, 2012 edition with the plaintiff mentioned among the those probed.    According to the publication, Justice Olotu was alleged to have been investigated for owning several bank accounts in several local banks and in the United Kingdom as well as significant stock in various companies. She was also reported to have owned property in Abuja, Lagos and Benin. Solicitors to Justice Olotu, Alfred Eghobamien, SAN, told the Court that he wrote ThisDay on the 20 November, 2013 over the publication which

Court Refuses Sanusi’s Prayer Over Suspension

  Ousted Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, on Wednesday suffered a temporary set back as a Federal High Court siting in Abuja and presided by Justice Gabriel Kolawole, refused to grant his ex parte application for his return to office pending he determination of the suit he filed challenging President Jonathan’s powers to suspend him from office. The judge declined the invitation to make the orders being sought by Sanusi on the ground that it would be unfair to grant such an application without affording the President, the Attorney General of the Federation and the Inspector General of Police the opportunity to be heard. Sanusi had filed the application last Monday where in he urged the court to make an order of interlocutory injunction restraining the defendants from obstructing, disturbing, stopping or preventing him in any manner whatsoever, from performing the functions as the governor of the CBN and enjoying in full, the statutory p

Nigerians Want Answers, Where Is Our Money!

  NIGERIA : This government intends to wrap up the issue of our missing $20 Billion or thereabout under the carpet just as every other controversial issue and questions that borders on accountability of public fund. Please let's all continue to ask questions and not let this issue light out. 

Alleged Kleptomaniac Nollywood Actress Returns From Spiritual Home

  Yetunde Akilapa, who recently went through hell after she was caught and beaten up for being at the wrong place at the wrong time has returned from her hometown, Ilesha (Osun) where she was said to have undergone spiritual cleansing from what she earlier described as an attack from her enemies. When ENCOMIUM Weekly got across to her on her mobile phone, a happy Yetunde said all is now over. Not only that, she is back fully in the industry to continue with what she knows how to do best as against her previous plan to quit the profession after the disgraceful episode of Sunday, January 12, 2014.   “Yes, I am now back and ready to continue with my acting career. I am not quitting again. God has finally shamed my critics and enemies. It’s true I have not been around for two weeks.   I was going through a kind of marathon fasting and prayer. First, I had to go to my hometown on my mother’s invitation. That was where I stayed for about two weeks for spiritual cleansing, an

Beyonce Drops Music Video 'Partition' Online

  Beyonce’s latest single, “Partition” , off her self-titled album, premiered some moments ago online. See music video after the cut...  

Very Disturbing!: Nigeria’s Accountant-General, NAICOM In Alleged Record-Breaking N3.54 Billion Scandal

It appears a new kind of fraud in Nigeria. A contract was duly awarded by government to some private firms. But when it was time to make payment for job done, the N3.538billion contract sum was diverted to an entirely different set of companies. Read report by  PremiumTimes after the cut   The companies which received payment did not bid for the jobs, were not awarded the contract and are not known to have offered any service. The firms which offered service but have now been deprived their legitimate earnings are now crying foul.   They are accusing the National Insurance Commission, NAICOM, and the office of the Accountant General of the Federation, OAGF, of masterminding what appears an unprecedented fraud — diverting the insurance premium due to them (42 insurance companies) to other entities.   Already, a legal firm representing the affected insurance firms, Alade Agbabiaka & Co., has petitioned the Minister of Finance, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and the Att

Teenage Boy Exchanged For 2 Bags Of Rice

   Yet to be identified man on Monday successfully traded a 15-year old boy, Seun Aderinwale, for two bags of rice valued at N20,000 at Igando in Alimosho area of Lagos State, southwest Nigeria.   According to eyewitness account, the man, whose address is unknown, went to 4, Ifesowapo Street, Igando, on Monday morning to buy two bags of rice from a shop owned by a woman identified as Iya Ibrahim. The rice seller was not available at the time but her son, Ibrahim, agreed to the man’s proposal to drop Seun, an Aluminium apprentice, as collateral, in order to collect the two bags  of rice and return later to pay. However, when the shop owner returned in the afternoon, she was surprised to see Seun who was dropped there in exchange for the two bags of rice taken away by the unidentified man. When the man failed to return, the 15-year old was held hostage until evening when the pastor of his church, a Celestial Church of Christ around the area, saw him at the

Just In - Revealed: Jonathan’s Second Query to CBN Governor, Sanusi

It was Mr. Sanusi’s reply to this query that Mr. Jonathan forwarded to the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria.   PREMIUM TIMES reports it has now obtained a copy of President Goodluck Jonathan’s second query to suspended Central Bank Governor, Lamido Sanusi. The query was the communication from the presidency to the CBN governor alleging financial recklessness in the operations of the bank.   The query arose after Mr. Sanusi forwarded a copy of the CBN’s 2012 audited financial statements to the President on February 26, 2013.   The document was forwarded to Mr. Jonathan, alongside a covering letter referenced: FND/DIR/SEC/ACC/04/001.   Barely three months after the receipt of the letter, the President issued a 22-point query to Mr. Sanusi and demanded immediate response.   A copy of the query which was exclusively obtained by PREMIUM TIMES is dated May 4, 2013 and signed by the President.   In the letter, Mr. Jonathan noted that following the examina

Rev. King: On Death Roll For Murder, His Devotees Mark Birthday

  Devotees of Chukwnemeka Ezeugo a.k.a. Rev. King, founder of the Christian Praying Assembly, have marked his birthday in his absentia, describing him as their God. The members bought several pages of newspapers to congratulate King who is on death roll. A women’s group in his church, St. Faith Woman (Daughters of the Kingdom of God), in their advert in a national daily described King as the light of the world. “Daddy, you are the light of the world, a nation without you is in total darkness,” the group said. They also described him as God and said they are proud of him because he will lead them to the promiseland just like Joshua led the Israelites in the Bible. “You are the unchangeable, unmovable and unstoppable God. We the entire members of St. Faith Women are happy because you are here on this earth to lead us to the promised land,” the group said in the advert. Another devotee, Bishop Onyiliagha David King, while congratulating him, said: “

Ugandan Signs Anti Gay Bill: News Media Exposes Top Gay Ugandans; President Asks U.S. Scientists to Prove Homosexuals Are Born That Way

  Following the footsteps of Nigeria's leader President Goodluck Jonathan, Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni signed a controversial anti-gay bill into law earlier this week, sparking outrage and condemnation around the world.   The law makes gay sex acts illegal and punishable by up to 14 years in prison.   President Obama and U.S. Ambassador condemned the bill last week. And U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the law “a tragic day for Uganda and for all who care about the cause of human rights” and warned that Washington could cut aid   to Uganda.   But undeterred by the U.S. protests, a Ugandan newspaper on Tuesday published a list of what it said was the country’s ‘Top 200′ homosexuals. The list was published by Ugandan tabloid “Red Pepper” in Kampala, Uganda, outing some Ugandans who had not publicly proclaimed their homosexuality.   “The media witch hunt is back,” tweeted Jacqueline Kasha , a well-known Ugandan lesbian activist who is among

Fuel Scarcity: Petrol Sells For N125 Per Litre In Umuahia

The price of premium motor spirit, popularly called petrol, has risen above the approved pump price of N97 per liter to N125 in Umuahia, the Abia State capital, and its environs.   The News Agency of Nigeria reports that apart from few major marketers that occasionally sell at the regulated pump price, independent marketers have hiked the price to between N120 and N130 per litre.   The situation is worst at the major marketers’ service stations where the pump attendants were seen idling and discussing the situation.   Several vehicles queued to buy the product at N120 per litre at a private service station on Ikot Ekpene Road, Umuahia, on Wednesday.   An attendant at the station, who simply identified herself as Josephine, blamed the situation on the scarcity of the product.   “The product is scarce; because of the scarcity, we are no longer getting regular supplies,” she said. An independent marketer who preferred anonymity said that “we are spending more t

Very Artistic! You All Should See This: Artist Receives Death Threats for Portraying World Leaders in Drag

An unknown artist who calls himself Saint Hoax is receiving death threats for his latest art project.   The project titled “War Drags You Out,” features a series of digital illustrations of world leaders in drag. The subjects featured in the digital series include U.S. President Barack Obama, George Bush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the King of Saudi Arabia.   As a result of his artistic license with middle east leaders, the unidentified artist has been threatened with death.   The artist explained his “War Drags You Out” project to the Huffington Post blog . “I received over 70 [death] threats in my inbox deterring me from showcasing the [original] U.S.A.M.A [Osama Bin Laden] painting,” said Saint Hoax. “Quite frankly, I got worried. Luckily, instead of shipping the original painting I sent the curator a faux painting and it got lost. The curator emailed me saying that it was destroyed in the Kabul International Airport.”   Saint Hoax added: “I nev

When Will Blood Spill Stop!: FGC YOBE ATTACK: Why Girls Were Spared And Only Boys Were Killed

Mass killing of school children at the Federal Government College in the Buni Yadi area of Yobe was shrouded in mystery after reports revealed that only male students were killed.   It has been learnt, however that the extremists intentionally spared the female students.     According to the officials, female students at the co-ed school were spared – and that the attackers instead told them to go home and get married and to abandon their Western education (Boko Haram – meaning “against Western education”).   It would be recalled that the attackers set a locked dormitory on fire in the early hours of Tuesday. The terrified students escaped through the windows, they were shot and their throats were slit. Some were burned to ashes.   The massacre was followed by violent reactions by Nigerians and top politicians, urging the authorities to put an end to bloodshed in the country

So What? Yes, I Starve Him Of Sex

                                    An embattled house wife, Mrs. Bola Abifarin has defended her decision to starve her husband of 14 years of sex. She declared that the man, Mr Akeem Abifarin is not fulfilling his own part of their marriage vows.   Mrs Abifarin who wept profusely before an Agege Grade A customary court while sharing her bitter experiences in the hands of her estranged husband said that he battered her because she refused him sex.   The 40 year-old fashion designer said the attack over sex was one of the several cruelty meted out on her by her husband. But the man in the centre of the crisis, Akeem Abifarin said the woman was a liar and a wayward house wife.   According to the aggrieved woman, she took the decision to starve her husband sexually since he began to go against their marriage vow to live peacefully as husband and wife till death do them part. Bola told the court that though our marriage was contracted in 1995, six months into the relat

FG Increase International Passport Fee By 50%

  Well, just add the extra substantial tips to go with the publicised new fee knowing that you would drop the usual "something for the boys", you all know how it rolls in this country! THE Federal Government has increased passport fee by 50 per cent, while applicants for change of data will pay N30,000.   The information on the increase was contained in the circular titled “Passport Reforms”, which has been sent to ACG Passports, Nigerian Missions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant local and foreign government agencies.   It was gathered that the circular was issued on February 17, 2014, and signed by the Deputy Comptroller in charge of Operations/Passport Mr. Muhammad Babandede.   The circular also stated that the Minister of Interior, Abba Moro, has approved the passport reforms. The federal government has also announced that a 64-page passport for frequent travellers, will cost N20,000.  Passport for applicants whose ages fall below 18

For Failure To Pay Three Years Rent, Nollywood Actor Emeka Ike Evicted From Rented Duplex

  Nollywood actor, Emeka Ike who has been thrown out of his rented apartment in Magodo GRA, Ikeja, Lagos, over his inability to pay three year rent which accumulated to N8.5 million.   The apartment, a twin duplex located at 1, Raji Oladimeji Street, Magodo GRA, was until his ejection, used by Emeka to run his business.  Emeka had in 2007 diversified by establishing a secondary school named St Nicholas College and decided to hire the premises on a five-year lease agreement from an 87-year-old retiree, Chief Samuel Agboola Akintan at the rate of N2 million per annum for the first two years and N3 million annually for the remaining three years, bringing the total rent of five years to N13 million.   It was gathered that Emeka was able to get his landlord accept a deposit of N2 million with a promise to pay the rest later. Trouble, however, started when a year after moving in, the popular actor began to default and at a point issued a dud cheque of N1.5 million.   To f

Diary Of Blood-Chilling Boko Haram Assaults

  Following are key dates and attacks blamed on Boko Haram since Nigeria’s army launched a major offensive against the radical Islamist sect in May 2013. –2013– - May 15: Nigerian troops begin an offensive against Boko Haram in the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa, where a state of emergency is declared in order to retake areas which have fallen into the hands of the insurgents. - June 4: Nigeria formally declares Boko Haram and Ansaru, its suspected offshoot, “terrorist” groups and issues a law to ban them. - July 6: Gunmen believed to be from Boko Haram attack a secondary school in the northeastern state of Yobe, killing 42 people, many of whom are students. - August 10-11: Suspected Islamist extremists kill 56 people in the northwest, including 44 in an attack on a mosque in Konduga. - September 12: A military strike on a highly-fortified Boko Haram camp in the northeastern state of Borno kills 150 Islamists. - September 17: An attack by Boko

Dead Man Found Inside A Well In Lagos

  Tragedy struck in Lagos as a 35-year-old man was found dead in a domestic well while another, together with a one-year-old baby, was rescued from an inferno. The incident happened in two different parts of Lagos as the state fire service responded to emergency calls.   The man, whose identity could not be ascertained, was said to be working in a domestic well at number 11, Akinyele Street, Oko Oba, Agege when he was trapped leading to his death.  Residents put a distress call to the Oko-Oba fire service station which arrived the scene but this was too late as the man was recovered dead from the well.   The second incident, as gathered, occurred at number 4 Nubi Close, off Park Road, Ebute Metta West during a fire outbreak.  A male adult of about 45 years and a one year old baby escaped death by the whiskers as both were trapped in the inferno but were rescued by fire fighters who prevented the outbreak from spreading to neighbouring buildings.     VANGUARD

Man Overcomes Fear Of Spiders By Tattooing Spider On His Face

  For the fear of spider and to overcome that phobia, the young man above did that tattoo on his cheek. Read more Via Daytona Beach News reports:   “Everybody fears spiders,” Ortiz said. “That’s why I got it. Just to, like, make me know, that that’s what I fear, but not to fear it. You know what I’m saying?”    Ortiz, 24, of Deltona, talked about his spider tattoo after appearing in court on a felony charge of driving while license revoked (habitual) at the Volusia County Courthouse in DeLand. Ortiz’s particular method of dealing with arachnophobia gets attention.   “Everybody looks at it like, “Damn spider” ’cause if you’re going around your house, you know what I’m saying, you see those spiders, you’re going to jump, you’re going to jump, so putting one on my face, I say you know what, I’m going to see what people think.” What do people think? “Some people say ‘Why did you get it? You’re never going to get a job,” Ortiz said.   “Some people say “It’s cool, man.

A Voltron Is Out!: Kemi Omololu Olunloyo’s Reaction To Bianca Ojukwu’s Recent Interview On Femi Fani-Kayode

  I should just re-echo Lamido Sanusi's I love controversy! None of our business what transpired between this two, what I don't understand is the obvious acid tone of Kemi Omololu Olunloyo's piece. Probably  theirs more to this!    ”I just read Bianca Ojukwu’s interview in some online magazine about her not ever knowing Chief Femi Fani-Kayode and claiming that they were never intimate and that he begged her not to go to court. Honestly the whole thing made me laugh. Such horrendous lies coming from a woman that is an Ambassador for our country. I know this because I am a living witness to what happened. It is so sad. The truth is that Bianca is not just a shameless liar but also someone who is running from and trying to cover up her sordid past. Femi Fani-Kayode issued a statement challenging her to go to court and to carry out her threat some time back. That was the final thing he wrote. She killed it in all the newspapers but it was published in s

Wedding Plans On Hold: Jennifer Aniston Refuses To Visit Fiancé Justin Theroux In NYC –

  Jennifer Aniston‘s hunky fiancé Justin Theroux asked the Friends star to come to New York City to celebrate her 45th birthday, but the actress declined because of the cold weather and the wedding plans have been placed on hold, is exclusively reporting. Read how radar online reports exclusively after the cut.   Instead, Aniston enjoyed a dinner at West Hollywood’s Soho House with confidantes Courteney Cox, Jennifer Meyer (Tobey Maguire‘s wife) and hairstylist Chris McMillan.   “Justin asked Jen to come to New York City but she declined, citing the cold weather. She wanted to be in sunny Southern California with her friends,” an insider told Radar.   “It’s absolutely indicative of the status of Jen and Justin’s relationship. There is absolutely no wedding talk or planning going on. Publicly the couple is saying it’s because they are just too busy with work, but if they wanted to get married, it would happen.”   And as Radar previously reported, An

Mugabe Returns To Zimbabwe After Cataract Surgery

  Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe returned home Saturday morning from Singapore where he had gone for routine medical check ups, state radio announced. President Mugabe had travelled to the far East for cataract surgery in his left eye and the state radio said “the procedure was successful”. The veteran leader, who turned 90 on Friday, has ruled Zimbabwe since it achieved independence from Britain in 1980. President Mugabe has long been rumoured to be seriously ill and has travelled to Singapore for medical checks several times in the past five years.   A leaked 2008 US diplomatic cable cited then bank governor Gideon Gono as saying Mugabe had prostate cancer, a claim denied by officials. On Sunday, thousands of people will gather at a stadium in Marondera, a town 75 kilometres (50 miles) east of the capital Harare, to celebrate Mugabe’s birthday.

What Public Fund Is Used For: AIT/ Raypower Station To Be Re-Built With Bayelsa State Funds

  Bayelsa indigenes o na dey see, read and hear abi? It's ok! A massive late night electrical fire Thursday that gutted the studios, offices and transmission facility of the AIT / Raypower Station, will likely be repaired sooner, than later.   In a surprise announcement, Governor Serike Dickson has pledged to use public funds to rebuild the privately owned radio and television facility belonging to Raymond Dokpesi, that was nearly destroyed by the fire in the Elebele area of Yenagoa in the state capital.   The announcement comes, say critics of the governor’s pledge, as state owned media establishments are neglected, operating with obsolete equipment and grossly underfunded.   Critics of the governor’s pledge told SaharaReporters this latest move out of the statehouse is a continuation of the governor’s penchant for reckless spending of state funds, to service private interests.  Gov Dickson reportedly spent state funds to build a private residence for Caleb O