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Official CV Of Stella Oduah Confirms She Never Obtained A Masters’ Degree In The US….SR

No comment, let me see how it unfolds.
An original copy of Princess Stella Oduah curriculum vitae obtained by SaharaReporters today reveals that the embattled Minister of Aviation never obtained an MBA degree from any university in the United States as was previously claimed on the official page of Nigeria’s Ministry of Aviation as well as her biography on Wikipedia.
The CV only makes reference only to the fact that Ms. Oduah possesses a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from St. Paul’s College in Lawrenceville, Virginia in 1982.
In the CV, Ms. Oduah also claimed to have an honorary Ph.D degree in Business Administration from “Pacific Christian University Glendale, California” in 1998, but SaharaReporters is so far unable to verify that information. 
A preliminary investigation of “Pacific Christian University” shows it does not exist as one of the 93 accredited theology schools in California.  The nearest result, by name and geography, is “Azusa Pacific University”, which is in Azusa, not Glendale.  There is as yet no information about the status of honorary Ph.Ds at that institution.
Mrs. Oduah had carefully padded her qualifications by claiming to have earned a “Masters Degree in the United States” after completing her Bachelors.  In the edited official profile on the Aviation ministry’s website, Mrs. Oduah now claims she “received her Bachelors and Masters Degree (in Accounting and Business Administration respectively) in the United States.”
The citation does not mention the college where she obtained both degrees, more so because in the last 24 hours since SaharaReporters broke the news, Ms. Oduah has made several efforts both on Facebook and Wikipedia to remove any word linking her to St. Paul’s College, a historic black college where in previous posts and newspaper reports she claimed she received a degree.
St. Paul’s College closed down in June 2013.
The new President of the college, Millard D. “Pete” Stith Jr. told SaharaReporters yesterday that the college is working to confirm if Ms. Oduah graduated from the college as she claims, stating that the college registrar had been on leave due to illness.  Mr. Stith categorically reiterated that the college has never offered a Masters’ degree in its 125-year existence.
SaharaReporters has learned that the Minister is working to change her story line working with her aides from Brazil where she is currently on vacation.
Since SaharaReporters broke the news about the certificate scam, Ms. Oduah and her aides have officially kept mum over the revelation.   Instead they have embarked on using Facebook and the comments sections of various websites into which they sign anonymously to make the spurious claim that she simply didn’t state where she obtained her Masters degree.  They also suggest that she is being targeted because of her ethnicity.
The Presidency has not commented on the latest scandal. See the said documents after the cut...


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