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How To Succeed In 2014 – Pastor E.A Adeboye

Pst. E.A Adeboye

NIGERIA: CLERICS across the country have continued to admonish Nigerians on how to walk in year 2014, stressing the need for Divine guidance in order to achieve success.
The General Superintendent, Deeper Christian Life Ministry, William Kumuyi, called on Nigerians to mean business with God and turn a new leaf. In his New Year message delivered at Ayobo, Lagos State, the cleric said it is time to be serious with God and forget about mundane things because time is short.
In her message, General Overseer, Hours of Restoration Evangelical International Ministry, Flora Oyebanji, called on Nigerians to be closer to God because the coming of Christ is at hand. “The fear of God should be imbibed by our politicians and they should know that the national cake is for every Nigerian. Everybody should fear God,” she said.
The Prelate, Methodist Church Nigeria, Dr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Kanu Uche, called on the Federal Government to initiate policies and programmes that will bring smiles on the faces of Nigerians and make them forget last year’s traumatic experiences.
In his goodwill message, the Prelate said Nigerians need succour, relief and renewed hope, and that the only way this can become reality is for government to meet the aspirations of the people through economic policies that have a human face and which would yield immediate dividends.
Uche said: “Year 2013 was no doubt a challenging one for the people of this country. For the government, it was a year efforts were put in many sectors of the economy, but in terms of actual results, albeit the power sector, the industrial sector, employment creation, health care and roads construction (and reconstruction in some cases), little has been achieved.
“For many Nigerians, it was a year of dashed hopes and expectations. It was equally a year in which terrorism and kidnapping grew in leaps and bounds, unabated, despite enormous resources deployed to combat them.
This has obviously created so much insecurity and anger in the country, especially among the youths, and it is most disheartening, that every time mayhem is unleashed on innocent citizens of this country, like the one being witnessed especially in the northern part of this country, the sponsors and perpetrators are never found, while nobody is made a scapegoat. This is the major reason these acts of terrorism persist.
“Until those behind these satanic acts are unmasked and brought to justice, our road to a genuinely peaceful and civil society where freedom of assembly, association, worship and movement granted to every citizen of this country by our constitution might just be a dream.
“God is using this opportunity to plead with Nigerians, especially our leaders to imbibe virtue in the New Year. Virtue tends to good order and easy government of human society, because they have good influence upon both the political heads and the subjects,” he said.
On his part, the General Overseer, Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Enoch Adeboye, said that the future of Nigeria would be determined this year, and not in 2015. According to him, 2015 will only be a year of formalities.
In his message released by the Special Assistant to the General Overseer (Administration and Personnel) Johnson Odesola, Adeboye said that the equations at the beginning of this year would be different from the equations at the end of the year, which warns anyone against jumping into conclusion.
“At the international level, there will be more major breakthroughs in medicine and science while God would want us to pray against noisy and highly destructive storms as well as monumental fire outbreaks,” he said.
Adeboye asked Nigerians to rejoice because a divine promise of more than a decade ago will begin to find fulfillment in year 2014.
The General Overseer, Overflowing Life Ministry, Lagos, Rev. Akinkuolie Olusola, said Nigeria has come of age, and what it is currently facing is nothing but the test of its maturity.


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