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Interesting Read : Incredible Truth About The Penis -– Funmi Akingbade

Even though a penis is controlled by the nervous system, it also has a mind of its own. Erections can occur at random due to some impulses firing from the brain during sleep and that is why most mornings, men experience ‘morning glows.’ The penis is turgid without a prior sexual arousal trigger. In fact, the penis does not need the man’s brain before it climaxes.
 It is basically the function of the penis than the brain of the man. Orgasm actually starts with the spine; the signal to ejaculate is the result of muscle contractions in the spinal cord and pelvis, not the brain. But amazingly, simple things like having a rough day at work can lead to a man not gaining an erection for a week.
On average, adult penis typically measures between four and six inches when flaccid and six to nine inches when erect. So typically, most penises are created equal in almost all men. Human penis still weighs and looks bigger than that of other animals. Many men worry so much about the look of their penis but the truth of the matter is curves are common in penis.
 The vast majority of penises lean ever so slightly to the left or right when erect (you are probably just too distracted to notice). However, some bend so dramatically (or curve up or down) that having sex is almost impossible. This is known as Peyronie’s Disease and it happens when the penis doesn’t expand evenly during a hard-on.
The structure of the penis does not help men to finish slowly; rather they are programmed to finish quickly. So wives, don’t take it personal. One of the purposes of intercourse for men is pleasure, then procreation. In fact, 85 per cent of men think of pleasure first before procreation while having sex.
Penile rupture is very real; it tends to happen mostly during vigorous sex and also overly enthusiastic solo action like masturbation. Most men who have experienced this unthinkable breakage always report hearing a cracking noise, followed by excruciating pain. It is always advisable to get treatment on time because an untreated fracture can lead to permanent erectile dysfunction (ED).
Penis size, thickness and shape are not genetic. Penises are actually formed in uterus when the male hormones are in active service. Penises have a ‘seam’ as all men have a line going down their penis and over their testicles. It’s more a ‘seam’ on the underside of the penis. It forms when the foetus is in the uterus. In women, the seam becomes the inner lips of the vagina. In men, the seam encloses the urethra along the length of the penis. Penises contrast in colour to other body parts; penises are generally darker in colour than the bodies they hang from.
Why? It’s part of the sexual maturation process. Every penis experiences a degree of shrinkage on a daily basis, especially when it is very cold. In other words, cold weather and cold water are a penis’ mortal enemies. A typical testicles need to be warm to effectively make sperm and testosterone.
  So when you stay too long in a chilly air-condition room on a daily basis, try to take a ten minutes’ walk in a warm environment away from the cold. But there is no correlation between penis size and shoe size, hand size or wallet size.
 And the worst exercise for the penis is masturbation. Masturbation is not healthy at all. Smoking isn’t just bad for your lungs; it is also bad for the penis.
It’s no secret that smoking clogs the arteries, including those that fill the penis with blood, especially at the initial stage of ejaculation. This means the penises of smokers may have a harder time rising to its full potential at the occasion of sexual activities.Also, men will go limp if they drink too much.
Men really do get ‘blue-balls, technically called ‘prostatic congestion which is caused by ‘trapped’ blood in the testicles. It has been discovered that a lukewarm shower or aspirin will also do the trick. With a vasectomy, a man can still be a father because some sperm cell can still hang around, ready, willing and able to cause a woman to be pregnant two weeks post operation. So, it’s important to use some kind of protection until your family doctor says the coast is clear.
Please note that if an erection comes on and refuses to go away, this is not a miracle, but a medical emergency. This means that the blood flow that causes an erection doesn’t eventually leave the penis. Serious complications can result, like blood clots and some major damage.


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