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Search Tambuwal,Why Not?!


This write-up only alludes to the reality of minimum of two “angles” to every event, story, action, decisions etc – which are often used to distort obvious truths, facts or realities! There must be a reason for the “stop-and-search” on Tambuwal – the Speaker of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and No 4 citizen of the nation.
Secondly, there must be a motive behind such action – which needs to be uncovered, unravelled and possibly made known to Nigerians.
 Thirdly, it will be good to know and confirm that this practice has been extended, or will be extended to other topmost political actors in Nigeria – including Senate President, Nigerian President, Vice President, Governors etc – since it could be argued that every development/action must have a beginning, and that you can commence sweeping of a dirty room from any section of the room.
The motive behind the acts should be review beyond the elementary level as canvassed in this analysis! Do our political leaders deserve respect and honour? YES or NO that will emanate as responses should come with justifications and actions – which should be publicized.
While Tambuwal, being Speaker of the House of Representatives could not be said to be above the law in respect of this “Stop-and-Search”, is the implementation of this “law” selective – against or in favour of some other political actors? From all indications, Tambuwal is perceived not to be a great loyalist/fan of GEJ. Could this be one of the action plans against him and/or other political opponents of the current administration, or true suspicion that he’s a security risk to Nigeria/Nigerians – based on his utterances and body language?
Meanwhile, the major concern of Nigerian masse is how the cruel political manipulations of politicians – right from presidency will not further put Nigerians into further mess and crises.
Already, security situation has gone to a terrible state in the hands of the current Administration of GEJ – irrespective of whatever reason(s) anyone may allude to this fact. It has gone worse than what has ever been experienced in Nigeria. Much worse than GEJ inherited. Whatever reasons that anyone may use to defend the Presidency is a mere attempt to justify/rationionalise failures! It is noble and desirable that drastic actions are taken to resolve crises. However, such actions should not be seen or even perceived as being enmeshed in obvious ulterior motives which can still make the situation worse.
Nigerian has never been so divided and polarized! They should not push Nigeria into unwarranted tribal, ethnic or religious war – all due to self-interest and self-preservation of politicians.
 This administration has destroyed the fragile inter-tribal and inter-ethnic trust in Nigeria – by their actions and inactions!
The government cannot and should not blame innocent Nigerians for this. The primary essence of existence of government is already almost totally destroyed – protection of lives and properties is at the lowest ebb in the history of Nigeria. Solving the problem calls for sincere efforts – and not as presently being seen or perceived to be done. God help Nigerian masses.
A Reaction by Phemmy


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