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Showing posts from June, 2014

Mom Lets White Supremacist Husband Torture Her Daughters

 Justin Ladd   Wicked mum allowed and even encouraged  her crazy white supremacist  hubby to abuse and threaten her biological daughters. When the case got to security, she solidly supported her sicko man and called her daughters liars. Who does that?...only a demented person I guess.. Read story after the cut   The New York Daily News reports: The mother of two girls who were allegedly beaten, tortured and threatened with rape by her white supremacist husband not only allowed but directed the abuse, prosecutors said Tuesday.  One month after Justin Ladd, 33, was indicted on 41 criminal counts in a Massachusetts courtroom, his wife, Anne Ladd, 32, has been arrested on a slew of similar charges, Salem News reported.  Authorities have accused the tattooed creep of attacking his stepdaughters, now aged 14 and 16, over the course of five years — all because they are half-Latina.   The stepdad allegedly beat them with a hammer, belts and pieces of wood at thei

Good Looks So Good! : Jeremy Meeks, The Alleged Gang Member And Felon Whose Police Mug-Shot Got Viiral To Be Clothed In High-End Designs For Upcoming Trial

The Police Mug Shot That Got Viral.   Good Looking Right?   This California criminal hot look mug shot by Stockton Police made headlines for his piercing eyes and model-like looks despite having SIX felonies on his record and being held on $900,000 bail.   According to a USA Today reports: . The accused known as Jeremy Meeks is a a 30-year-old felon who was arrested for felony weapons charges during a sweep in the Weston Ranch area of Stockton, Calif., according to Stockton police.   He’s also arguably the most popular suspect to grace the Stockton Police Department Facebook page and his police mugshot generated 10,914 likes and 2,400 comments from both sexes, many from women who admired his chiselled good looks. ( including me! lol!). See some females comments after the cut: “Hottttttt,” Melissa Stiles wrote.  “Omg come to mama,” Nicole Seba Lorena Elena commented. “Holy [heck] i would arrest him too..hottest bad boy I’ve seen,” Ellie Abbey wrote. “He

I’m In Trouble Because I Exposed My Husband –19-Year-Old Nursing Mother And Wife Of Robbery Suspect

   It was clear Kate Olowu was very tense when she opened the door of their residence on 39, Unity Street, Egan area of Igando, Lagos after several knocks on Monday evening.   Before I continue with the story, let me say this....this case came to light following Mr. Lawal’s testimony in his church; the Living Faith Church, Sango-Ota. Saturday PUNCH  correspondents decided to follow up the case.   When the young, fair-complexioned Kate Olowu peered through the doorway and spoke in a timid voice to inquire the reason for Saturday PUNCH   correspondents’ visit, there was little doubt that she was a young woman.   She later revealed that she was 19 years old.   With a child less than two weeks old, Kate has reasons to be tense. Her life seems to have taken a tumble recently, when her husband, Monday, was taken into custody in connection with a robbery gang that snatched a Toyota Camry 2000 model, belonging to a pastor, Mr. Lawal, on Monday, May 26, 2014.   When th

Gov. Fayemi Accepted Election Result, Yes! But For A Reason – Gov. Fashola Finally Speaks!

  The Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, has said that the Governor of Ekiti State, Kayode Fayemi, accepted the result of last Saturday’s gubernatorial election in Ekiti State to avert violence that could have led to loss of lives. Mr. Fayemi, the incumbent, lost by a landslide to the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Ayodele Fayose. Speaking to journalists after a meeting with local government chairmen at the State House in Marina, Mr. Fashola said, “I am aware that there were instruction to cause mayhem during the election and Fayemi decided that rather than allow blood to be spilled, he behaved statesmanly. He saved his people from being slaughtered if they had protested,” Mr. Fashola said.   “To simply suggest that once you give people money, then this is the way it will happen. It is frightening for me in a democracy. When one looks at the way people have behaved one week before the election, no one could say Fayemi will lose the election. The wors

Tomorrow’s Uncaring Pensioners

WE treat pensioners with levity for two major reasons: today’s active people never think of ever being pensioners; some are having their “pension” in advance, mostly by corrupt means.   Pensions of old, weak, ill, bed-ridden, blind, hungry, angry are stolen daily. Do we care how pensioners survive, if ever they are paid, and when they are never paid? How do thousands of Nigerians serve their country in the military, civil service and allied places, and no record of their service exists? Why is the discovery only made when they leave service?   No part of our national life reflects our poverty of care than our pension system. For years, many thought only the military was affected. The evidence was when ex-servicemen locked down parts of Abuja.   We tend to see them as some “old people” bent on inconveniencing society, which in our estimation they should not be a part of, at their age.   “We deserve an honourable and respectful treatment as part of the heroes of th

Abuja Blast: I Lost My Driver Because Of N10 Photocopy

PHOTO: Scene of the blast An educational consultant, Shuaibu Adamu Baba, yesterday told how he hired a driver, one Sani Mohammed, all the way from Niger State to submit a business proposal document in Abuja but lost the driver in the EMAB shopping mall bomb blast of Wednesday.   Baba, who was practically weeping as he spoke said he was feeling guilty over Sani’s death because, according to him, the driver initially refused to go but was compelled after much entreaty.   Sani, a husband of three wives and father of eight children, was among the victims who were inside their vehicles right in front of the plaza when the bomb exploded. He said he lost the driver because he wanted to make a N10 photocopy for an acknowledgement copy of the business proposal inside the EMAB Plaza.   Baba further told reporters that: “Sani Mohammed never wanted to come to work, but I pleaded with him to bring me to town. The driver is a father to eight children and husband to three wives.

Search Tambuwal,Why Not?!

This write-up only alludes to the reality of minimum of two “angles” to every event, story, action, decisions etc – which are often used to distort obvious truths, facts or realities! There must be a reason for the “stop-and-search” on Tambuwal – the Speaker of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and No 4 citizen of the nation.   Secondly, there must be a motive behind such action – which needs to be uncovered, unravelled and possibly made known to Nigerians.    Thirdly, it will be good to know and confirm that this practice has been extended, or will be extended to other topmost political actors in Nigeria – including Senate President, Nigerian President, Vice President, Governors etc – since it could be argued that every development/action must have a beginning, and that you can commence sweeping of a dirty room from any section of the room.   The motive behind the acts should be review beyond the elementary level as canvassed in this analysis! Do our political leaders de

Abuja Bomb Explosions And The CCTV $470Million Project Fraud – Details Of The Contract

Close Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) project in Abuja It’s been revealed that the failure of the National Public Security Communication System, NPSCS; otherwise known as the CCTV project, has heightened the level of insecurity in the Nigerian capital, Abuja.   According to a report by PREMIUM TIMES , the project which was initiated by late President Umaru Yar’Adua, was conceived to help security agencies in the Federal Capital Territory check the growing insecurity in the federal capital. Unfortunately, since the installation of the CCTV cameras and allied equipment, criminals and insurgents have over and over again launched violent attacks on the city without being detected. Between 2010, when the project was initiated, and now, Abuja has come under seven deadly attacks, leaving scores of people dead and properties worth billions of Naira destroyed.   The first bomb explosion in the city occurred on 1st October, 2010, a few meters from the Three Arms Zone, during

Dramatic No-Nonsense Area Fada!: Why I Stormed Out Of Dad’s Lying-In-State —Charles Oputa

    Maverick entertainer, Charles Oputa, otherwise known as Charly Boy, stunned many at the lying-in-state of his father, Justice Chukwudifu Oputa, in Owerri, Imo State, on Wednesday, when he suddenly walked out of the venue of the event while the procession was still on.   Imo State governor, Rochas Okorocha, members of the state executive council and the national chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Odigie Oyegun, were all seated inside the International Conference Centre, Owerri, when Charly Boy suddenly got up and decided to walk out of the venue with many asking what could have prompted his action.   Many people who saw him when he started walking out of the venue had thought he was going out to attend to an issue that might have demanded his presence outside the hall, but it was not to be.   Area father, as he’s fondly called, ordered his aides, security and cameramen inside the hall to follow him immediately, apparently telling them he was done wit

Ekiti – Fayemi Is The Difference, A Perfect Gentleman

  THE most important thing about last Saturday’s governorship election in Ekiti State was the equanimity, grace, humility with which Dr. Kayode Fayemi conceded victory. Such moments are rare in our politics and made all the difference to how both sides received the result.   Dr. Fayemi chose his words and the weight they borne delivered on the type of politics Nigerians want to embrace. Our people are tired of leaders who lead them to war, usually from behind, with the masses as cannon fodders.   We want peace. The first catalyst for peace, contrary to what many propound, is not justice. Utterances of leaders are important, their lives, their examples are the next most important ways of changing society.   Dr. Fayemi conceded victory, called governor-elect Ayodele Peter Fayose, who he addressed as “ my brother, congratulating him on his victory ”. Action made his words meaningful. Within hours, he was meeting the governor-elect “ to discuss the future of our dear state

Furious Keshi Blasts Super Eagles Fans

    A furious Nigeria coach Stephen Keshi has lashed out at the country’s fans, saying it is a shame they have abused his person for the team’s showing at Brazil 2014.   The Super Eagles and coach Keshi came under heavy fire from angry fans after they could only manage a 0-0 draw with Iran in their opening group game at the World Cup in Brazil.   But Keshi has taken serious exception to the fans’ rage, saying there was no justification for them to insult his person.   “I am disappointed, totally disappointed (by the personal attacks), but it’s their thing, no wahala (no problem),” blasted Keshi in Brazil.   “It’s a shame, just a shame that we keep doing the same thing and then they come back and they say they are sorry. Sorry for abusing my mum? Sorry for abusing my siblings? For what? That I am representing Nigeria?” can recall that ‘Big Boss’ Keshi has already fired a salvo at his fellow former football stars who t

A Repeat Of Flight MH370?: Plane Flying From Nigeria To Gabon Missing

  A four-seater plane flying from Nigeria to Gabon via Cameroon has disappeared, according to Cameroon aviation sources on Tuesday.   The plane, owned by the United States company Global Aviation, took off from Kano in northern Nigeria at 1800 hours on Monday en route Libreville in Gabon, where it was scheduled to arrive at 2300 hours, after a stopover in Douala, Cameroon.   However, the station said that the plane, with only the American pilot on board, did not make it to Douala. It said the last contact the plane had with the control tower took place in Mongo, which is two hours flight from the Cameroonian economic capital.   Report says that search and rescue operations led by Cameroon’s civil aviation authorities have not yielded any positive results.    

Political Game!: Hillary Clinton Won’t Say If She’ll Run, But The Subtext Is ‘I’m Ready’

  Former secretary of state’s memoir is a 600-page job application for the post of president in 2016   All of us face hard choices in our lives,” writes Hillary Rodham Clinton in the opening sentence of her blockbuster new memoir. It is not a promising start. But the attention of all the world’s many Hillary watchers will quicken a mere four lines later when, listing some of those choices – balancing work and family, caring for relatives, holding down a job – she adds: “Whether to get married – or stay married.”   No one who remembers the summer of 1998, when the Clintons’ marriage hung in the balance in the wake of the revelations about Monica Lewinsky (who gets no name check in the index), will miss that one, heavy with implication and raw with personal hurt, even now.   On the face of it, the new Clinton memoir is about her four years as Barack Obama’s secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. But the book is only ostensibly about the past.   The book might not exis

20 Abducted Fulani Women: Boko Haram Demands 20 Cows Per Head As Ransom

Reports from Maiduguri says Boko Haram terrorists are reportedly asking for 800 cows as a precondition for the release of the abducted 20 Fulani women.   According  to a report by Vanguardngr ,  the terrorists demanded that each of the women would be swapped with 20 cows each bringing the total to 800 cows, husbands of the abducted women and other security sources have said. The people of Chibok, including members of the Vigilante Youths denied the abduction of the Fulani women when news of the kidnap first filtered, saying that the only people missing in the area were the 230 female students of Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok.   The police authorities in Borno State also maintained that they were not aware of the alleged missing Fulani women.  However, the insurgents who picked up the women in Garkin Fulani, a nomadic settlement near Chibok town last Thursday were now reaching out to their husbands, demanding 20 cows each for their release.   A security

June 12: Abiola’s Family Demands Apology

  PO: Haven't We Had Enough Of This Abiola Saga Every Year?!   The family of the presumed winner of June 12 1993 presidential election, Bashorun MKO Abiola, has demanded an apology from military dictator, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (retd).   Speaking in a telephone interview with a Punchnigeria correspondent, on Wednesday, the son of the late MKO, Abdulmumuni Abiola, said that those that annulled the historic election should apologise to Nigeria.   He said, “It is not only Abiola’s mandate that they stole, they stole the people’s mandate; they stole the people’s hope. They should not only apologise to Abiola, they should apologise to the country and the masses.   “If Abiola got the mandate, I strongly believe that Nigeria would have become a better country because he was the best man for the job.   “He had a passion for the development of the country. He would have helped solve the problems besetting the country. He understood the challenges the country was fac

Say What!!: Jealous Lover Cuts Out Rival’s Heart, Eats It With Knife And Fork

  A jealous lover in South Africa stabbed a rival, cut out his heart and ate it with a knife and fork, police and media reported Thursday.   According to HINDUSTANTIMES  report,  Police were called to the gruesome scene at a house in Cape Town’s Gugulethu township by frantic neighbours, spokesman Frederick van Wyk told the Cape Times.   “On the scene they found a suspect, a Zimbabwean national, busy eating the heart of a human with a knife and fork,” he said.  The woman at the centre of the love triangle told police that her former lover had visited the house where she was living with her current partner and they had chatted together before he gave her money to buy liquor and she left.   When she returned she found her partner, 62-year-old Mbuyiselo Manona, had been stabbed, Van Wyk said.   Neighbours alerted by the commotion said they had peered through the house windows to see the man cutting out Manona’s heart and eating it. “The whole situation was crazy.

EMIR OF KANO: Would History Repeat Again? Banishment Of Sultan Dasuki, Can Sanusi Be Dethroned?

  I found this very interesting read on NATIONAL MIRROR  and decided to cull and post  on my blog.   You know I cant be wrong on my pick on articles I post on my blog, this is no exception! With all the baragaga  surrounding the enthronement of Lamido Sanusi as the new Emir of Kano State, I guess some of you would find this piece a worthwhile to read.... enjoy!   On April 20, 1996, the eight-year reign of the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Ibrahim Dasuki, suddenly came to an end. Without smelling a rat, the Sultan responded to an urgent invitation to see the state’s military administrator, Colonel Yakubu Mu’azu, in his office. As was the style of first-class monarchs, the sultan responded to the invitation by being chauffeur-driven to the Sokoto Government House in a long convoy and with a retinue of palace officials. But certain things happened at that moment that shocked him. On getting to the state house, the military administrator did not come out to receive him as was the p